Things that you must learn about Maya animation software

If you are an animation aspirant, then you must have heard about the Maya software, which is used for the 3D modelling and animation of the character. Famous 3D animated movies like How to train your dragon, Frozen, Ices Age, etc. has been prepared successfully in Maya Software and got super hit globally.

If you want to be an amazing 3D animator, then learning how to use the Maya software would be the best option for you. If you don’t know 3D and never worked on it, then you can join a Maya training institute in Delhi and learn the 3D animation in the best software. But before joing any institute, you must know some important things about Maya software. We are here to tell you the things that you probably don’t know about 3D animation in Maya. So, let’s proceed further to discuss.

  1. Hot keys are your friends

Using hot keys is the best way to work quickly with Maya Software. When you urgently need to work on a project, then using hot keys can be the lifesaver. You can learn the hot keys from your trainer and make your work easy.

  1. Award winning films use Maya

Maya is easy to use and gives the best possible results and this is the reason why most of the film makers use Maya for 3D animation. Even the award winning films like Frozen and Brave has been designed in Maya Software.

  1. Maya is an industry leading software

If you want to get a lucrative job and give a new direction to your career, then learn Maya Software, as it is an industry leading software, which is used in every digital industry. Having a skill will surely make you stand out of the crowd. You can make games and TV shows also with Maya software.

These are the things that you were required to know about Maya software. So, join an institute for the best Maya training and give a boom to your career. You can also join IICS, for the best Maya & max training. It is the best Maya and Max training institute in Delhi, where you can learn softwares in the best possible way.

Terms that every graphic designer should know before becoming the one.

Graphic Designing Course
Graphic Design Institute

Graphic designing is one of the most interesting career option for the people, who are creative and know how to play with colors, texts and images. Graphic designing is more than knowing software tools and have an artistic flair. So, if you want to dedicate your life to graphic designing, then there are some truth that we want to share with you.

Consider the points, about the graphic designing brought to you by a leading Graphic Design Institute in Delhi.

  1. Work in flexible hours

Landing a job as a graphic designer will give you a perk of working in flexible hours. Graphic designers can pursue a career as freelancers and work by setting their own schedule. Since, stability isn’t guaranteed, but you have to be prepared to deal with floods of work and earn a huge amount.

  1. Business knowledge is must

If you choose to become a freelancer, then you should know how to market your services and stand out from the crowd to get good clients. It is also essential to have a knowledge of business. You need to take care of your expenses, time spent on projects, and other financial details.

  1. Skill building is essential

Getting a graphic designing degree is not enough, as you have to keep your skill building process running. You need to learn the process and the software you’re using. You need to stay on top of industry trends in order to keep the work fresh and deliver what the client is expecting.

If you are passionate about graphic designing, then consider these points before becoming the one. You can pursue one of the best graphic design courses in Delhi at the IICS, which is a leading institute that is providing multimedia & animation course in Delhi at an affordable fee.

Benefits of multimedia and animation course for creative students

Benefits of multimedia and animation course for creative students

Multimedia is a course in which the use of a variety of artistic or the communicative media. Animation is a part of multimedia that involves photographic drawings. It is the process of designing, drawing, and preparation of photographic sequence. It also involves the management of images to change the illusion of movement. And multimedia is used to represent a combination of visual that are gathered from various resources and added to the single combination.

Multimedia and animation refers to a combination of video and audio in a single presentation. If you are a creative student, you can opt for multimedia and animation course to build a perfect and creative career.. This article is brought to you by the best IT training institute in Delhi. You can opt for it and enjoy to have a better career in animation and multimedia.

  • Deeper understanding

The benefit of multimedia and animation learning is that it involves the brain’s ability to make a connection of visual representation of content, leading to deeper understanding. It helps to grow your visibility online and helps to get the big advantage of animation and multimedia for the easy way of learning.

  • Cost advantages

It is the cost effective service with the advance technology of internet. It is flexible and digitization and it is user friendly. The cost which you are spending in the multimedia and animation is very effective and beneficial for you.

  • Helps to visualize difficult concepts more easily

It is very simple and efficient step for learning difficult concepts through videos. It helps the students to visualize difficult concepts more easily by using multimedia and animation. This is the great way for the students to learn or modify the concept of learning. It develops a community of learners through online activities.

  • Fascination

For the students or the great majority of learners is considerably fascinated by multimedia and animation. It is effective for a longer time and have attracted creativity like videos, text, sound and animation. It is the interesting way of learning or gaining knowledge.

So, these are the benefits of multimedia and animation course that will surely beneficial for the students in many ways. So, join IICS and enroll now for the best multimedia & animation course in Delhi. It is a leading institute that provides the animation coaching under the expert guidance.

Top reasons to go to a multimedia and animation institute

multimedia and animation institute
Multimedia and Animation Institute

Multimedia and animation courses have an increasing demand nowadays. The Animation industry is one of the fastest growing industries, which need skillful degree holder animation artists. The animation world is full of opportunities, so becoming an animator is the opportunity to light up your career.

Animation is the mélange of art and technology in which an artist creates moving objects and characters to entertain or inform the viewer. If you are one, who have a creative mind and want to spend time with the latest technologies, then you should pursue multimedia & animation course in Delhi from a reputed institution. There are any reasons to join a multimedia and animation training centre, which we are going to share in this article.

  1. Great job prospects

Animation as a profession is very lucrative. By learning multimedia and animation in a reputed institute, you can get the opportunity to work with a lucrative job and salary. It also provides you the opportunity to get in touch with the highly qualified and experienced animators.

  1. Efficiency

The numerous techniques and styles that are used in animation process can be the efficient way to describe yourself as an animator. These techniques will really help you to be a good and efficient animator. As you know, practice makes a man perfect.

  1. Cost effectiveness

The  competence and simplicity leads to better cost effectiveness. It is the another boon to people, who want to make their lucrative career in animation. If you will join a reputed institute, then can pursue the multimedia and animation course at an affordable cost.

  1. Development of skills

If you love to develop your skills, then choosing a coaching centre to develop your animation skills would be the best option. You will get the professional training under the expert faculties at a coaching centre.

These are the top reasons to opt for multimedia and an animation institute to pursue the course. I would recommend you opt for IICS, which is a leading animation & an eCommerce institute in Delhi. They have the best faculties to teach you and make you a successful animator.

Importance Of Multimedia in Different Sectors.

In today’s world, everything is required to be advertised in the best way possible. With the increase of digital technology, the requirement of media has really increased. Multimedia has become the backbone of a lot of industries in India and that is why a lot of people are choosing the multimedia & animation course in Delhi.


Multimedia has revolutionized everything everywhere, not only in India but in the entire world. To let you know more about the importance of multimedia in various sectors, we’ve brought this blog for you. Here in this blog, you will find the importance the multimedia in various sectors.


Advertising has changed over the decade and this is because of the increase of the internet in the business. The businesses prefer to advertise their brand online as well as offline by using different graphics and methods. Whether it is a print or an electronic advertisement, they first choose the professionals for the multimedia advertisement of their brand. Print, digital, mobile, television, etc. are some of the different types of advertising that use multimedia.

Gaming industry

One of the most exciting and booming industry in the world is the gaming industry. It is a million dollar industry, where the requirement of multimedia and animation specialist is increasing day by day. The audio and visual effects make the games more interesting, so a good maker should focus on these effects to make the game interesting.

Mass Media

In the field of mass media, a lot of magazines and newspaper print on a daily basis. So, the multimedia plays a vital role in a publishing house, as there is a lot of work of designing and animation. These days, publishing house are online and have a social media presence and this increases the requirement of a multimedia and animation specialists in the mass media market.

These are the industries, which welcome multimedia and animation specialist with open arms, so if you are also looking for a safe and lucrative future ahead, then opt for the multimedia courses in Delhi. You can join IICS for the course, as it is one of the best computer course institutes in Delhi, where you will get a chance to fulfil your dreams.

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What Are The Benefits Of Pursuing Multimedia and Animation Courses?

Nowadays, many students are opting for multimedia and animation courses. These have become the most preferred courses amongst 12th pass students. Getting a degree of multimedia and animation courses offers you lucrative jobs, excellent career growth as well as enhance your skills.


If you just pass 12th standard and didn’t get any idea, then you should opt for multimedia and animation courses which is the best career opportunity for you. The multimedia & animation courses in Delhi offered at various levels, such as diploma, certified course, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. You can opt for any of these to get a wide range of career opportunities.

Let’s elaborate the benefits of pursuing multimedia and animation courses

  1. Career prospects

Pursuing a multimedia and animation course will offer you a wide range of job opportunities in some various fields such as web designing, advertising graphics, and animation. It will offer you long-term career benefits.

  1. High in demand

The professionals of multimedia and animation are required in every field such as in films and video conferencing, publishing houses, network engineers, graphic artists, etc. Once, you’ll get the degree of multimedia and animation course, you’ll be able to work anywhere in any field because the experts in this field are in high demand.


  1. Salary

Multimedia and animation is always a good paying professional course. The salary in this field depends on the skills and creativity of the employee. A fresher in this field can get 12,000 to 18,000 per month. After gaining the experience, you can get 25,000 to 40,000 per month. This will also offer you the opportunity to work in abroad also.

So, these are the benefits of pursuing multimedia and animation courses. To light up your career, you can opt for multimedia and animation course. The best institute for multimedia and animation course is IICS. IICS has professional faculties that help the students to light up their career by getting the degree of multimedia courses in Delhi. So, approach IICS to boost your career in the field of multimedia and animation.